Jesus said: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full!
John 10:10
Unity of body, soul and spirit
The Bible shows us that we are more than just a physical body - we also have a soul and a spirit. If one part of our being suffers, the other parts can be affected. God reveals the roots of problems as we talk and pray together. As this happens, inner pain and destructive emotions fuelling present issues come to the surface and can be dealt with.
Healing and forgiveness
God heals our inner wounds and helps us to forgive those who have hurt us. Part of this liberating process involves sorting out exactly what it is we need to forgive and why.
Forgiving ourselves
It can sometimes be easier to forgive others than to forgive ourselves. Self-accusation is one of the most common obstacles to healing and freedom. God helps us make peace with ourselves. Only then can we truly grow in love and service to God and others.
Dealing with sin and mistakes
God helps us to see where we have gone wrong, or where we have hurt others by our negative reactions and actions. God forgives us and helps us to put things right and to change.
Many people who come to us do not feel free and sense they need freedom from the kind of dark spiritual powers described in the Bible: "For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the evil forces and powers of the invisible world, against those forces of darkness that rule this world, and against the evil spirits in the heavenly world" – Ephesians 6:12. Jesus Christ gives us this freedom!
The Bible tells us that we are naturally separated from God. But when God forgives us he also adopts us as his children. He becomes our Heavenly Father: “The Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” – Romans 8:15. No matter what our earthly parents were like or if we even knew them, God’s adoption changes everything!
Life in abundance
As God brings understanding from his Word, order, healing and freedom through Christ Jesus to our past and present, we experience increasing freedom and peace in every area of our lives!
The Bible shows us that we are more than just a physical body - we also have a soul and a spirit. If one part of our being suffers, the other parts can be affected. God reveals the roots of problems as we talk and pray together. As this happens, inner pain and destructive emotions fuelling present issues come to the surface and can be dealt with.
Healing and forgiveness
God heals our inner wounds and helps us to forgive those who have hurt us. Part of this liberating process involves sorting out exactly what it is we need to forgive and why.
Forgiving ourselves
It can sometimes be easier to forgive others than to forgive ourselves. Self-accusation is one of the most common obstacles to healing and freedom. God helps us make peace with ourselves. Only then can we truly grow in love and service to God and others.
Dealing with sin and mistakes
God helps us to see where we have gone wrong, or where we have hurt others by our negative reactions and actions. God forgives us and helps us to put things right and to change.
Many people who come to us do not feel free and sense they need freedom from the kind of dark spiritual powers described in the Bible: "For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the evil forces and powers of the invisible world, against those forces of darkness that rule this world, and against the evil spirits in the heavenly world" – Ephesians 6:12. Jesus Christ gives us this freedom!
The Bible tells us that we are naturally separated from God. But when God forgives us he also adopts us as his children. He becomes our Heavenly Father: “The Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” – Romans 8:15. No matter what our earthly parents were like or if we even knew them, God’s adoption changes everything!
Life in abundance
As God brings understanding from his Word, order, healing and freedom through Christ Jesus to our past and present, we experience increasing freedom and peace in every area of our lives!